Mailbox with mail coming out.

Export Email from Outlook Web App (OWA)

This is an excerpt from a StackExchange post. This process is used to assist with exporting emails out of Outlook Web App (OWA) after a migration due to differences in allowable attachment sizes between the source and destination.

  1. Start a new message in OWA
  2. Click to edit the message in a new window.
  3. Select all emails you would like to download.
  4. Drag the emails to the new message. This will add them as attachments.
  5. Click the down arrow on the attachment and download the email message, or send the message to yourself and then download all attachments.
  6. After downloading the attachments, adding .eml to the end will allow you to open the download in Outlook or on a Mac.

Featured Image Photo by Cyrus Crossan on Unsplash

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